

Engineering Days are held multiple times a year for groups of interested middle or high school students, with content adjusted for the particular age group. The kids are guided through the activities by young researches and engineers that can share their excitement for the amazing new skills that they are learning.


We aim to have a great diversity of skills showcased and taught at our events. The goal of an Engineering Day is to show kids that learning a new skill to a level that lets them build a real robot or conduct a true scientific experiment needs not be intimidating. You do not need to be a physician to start tinkering with medical devices, neither do you need to be a programmer to automate a small task in your daily life. Just a little bit of knowledge opens a world of endless wonder as long as curiosity and an open mind are your guides.


We design our activities to be easy to replicate and we encourage you to reuse and expand upon what we have build. The Activities page contains handouts and lists of components for events we have ran in the past. Educators are welcome to reuse them directly in their own teaching and outreach. Parents can build original and fun family activities based on our work. We also encourage you to check out our educational kit, the SpinWheel, which will be available on Kickstarter March 16-April 16, 2020.

Copyright and Financials

All our resources are under a reuse-friendly license and the bills of materials are available with each handout. To give an idea of expenses here are our budgets from the last few years..